The basic formula for a Ferguson Nova you can find in Basic Ferguson Nova Formula.
Here I want to introduce a basic formula for a double spiral Ferguson Nova:

Like for the basic Ferguson Nova there is a parameter delta because it is really a family of double spiral Ferguson Novas.
A good choice is delta = 0.1 or delta = 0.05, as you can see in the table below.

Delta Start Value Double Spiral Ferguson Nova Zoom out Remark
0.2 -0.845494 a bit rough
0.1 -0.610759 classic double spiral Ferguson Nova
0.05 -0.471695 smoother and deeper into the body
0.01 -0.271936 the double spiral merges into the body
0.005 -0.215599 change of the rendering method
0.001 -0.126003 small deep inside
0.000001 -0.012599 taken to the extreme