Here I want to introduce a basic formula for the Blue Double apple manikin.
In contrast to the basic apple manikin, the Mandelbrot Set, the Blue Double apple manikin has a double head,
a different slow diverging surrounding and it is a whole parametrized family of Blue Double apple manikins.


The start value is always s = 0.0.
Delta Blue Double Remark
1.0 a bit boring at the start of 1.0
1.1 soon exploding into something big
1.2 getting smaller again
1.3 a big apple manikin in the tip of the Blue Double
1.4 getting smaller again
1.5 at 1.5 the version used for the classification table
1.8 getting smaller and more looking like the Mandelbrot Set
2.1 now the surrounding is diverging faster (more grey in Tierazon2 rendering)