Tierazon2 is a fractal program by Stephen Ferguson.Stephen gave me his ok to distribute it.
Unpack PerfectAppleManikins.zip into any directory.Usage
Double-click on any of the batch files (files with extension .bat).This will start Tierazon2.exe with a certain Perfect Apple Manikin Set.
Usage of Tierazon2
First change the image size with the xy-button in the toolbar.As a rule of thumb on each zooming in you should double the parameter "M-set max".
This is the number of iterations and to calculate exact enough you need to double it.
The parameter "M-set max" can be changed using the F-button (Fractal Parameters) in the toolbar.
Will you be able to zoom in onto a apple manikin which needs a M-set max of 16000?
Hint: Go to the tip of one apple manikin, there will be smaller apple manikins,
zoom in onto one of these smaller apple manikins, double M-set max,
then go to its tip again, and so on, ... you get it ;)
Tierazon2 Zooming
Press the button in the toolbar: "New View on Zoom" (two rectangles).Hover your mouse over the image and holding down the left mouse button,
and dragging the mouse pointer over the image, make a rectangle.
Press the button in the toolbar: "Zoom into Rectangle".
A new window should pop up with the zoomed area.
Tierazon2 Zooming out
Easiest way: on a small image (320x240), press the maximize button of the window.Now drag a rectangle being bigger than the image.
Tierazon2 Error while Zooming
Sometimes there is an error of Tierazon2 (or MS MFC) when a window gets stuck in the left upper corner.Workaround: in the file menu choose: Window-Cascade.
This will unstuck your image.